

Monday was the first day for my new dance school after separating from Splash MJJ.

To be honest, I was a little bit nervous. However, once my students came and I played the music, I became calm again and was able to carry out my lessons accordingly.

月曜日は、私が自分で運営するダンスレッスンの初日でした。これまではSplash MJJ Dance Studioで教えていましたが、離れて初めてのレッスンです。



For my Freestyle Level Up classes, I’ve changed up the way I teach, because I am searching for different results for my students.

I have put a lot more emphasis on personal development rather than having my students become dependent on me for answers. I will show foundational dance moves, explain the origins, and drill them into the students.

”Freestyle Level Up”というレッスンを設けてスタートしたのですが、これは今までの私の教え方を変えています。なぜなら、生徒それぞれに違う結果を見出すことをゴールとしているからです。


After the lesson, I provide homework assignments to keep them invested in the contents of the lesson until the following lesson on Saturday.

There, they will present their homework assignments and we will continue to build upon what we started on in the previous class with variations of the foundational moves, eventually building each students’ individual style.




I am big on individuality when it comes to dancing. I believe dance is a another ways of communication; it is a way to express feeling, whether it be the feeling of a song, or the feeling of that dancer.

Everyone is unique in their own way, so I would rather help my students explore themselves rather than make copies of Prince Lo3. I’m already me. I don’t need many other “Princes” dancing around in the world.


私は「Prince Lo3」のコピーやクローンダンサーをたくさん作るよりも、生徒がそのまま自分をダンサーとして展開させていくことをプッシュしたいと思っています。この広いダンスシーンにたくさんの「プリンスたち」は要りません。

My Afro House class went great. My students were able to pick up the moves I taught and received a great leg and cardio workout in the process lol.

In my Afro House class, I sometimes teach moves from other Afro dance styles, such as Azonto. However, I always differentiate which moves come from which dance style. I believe teaching the differences is vital.

Since Afro dance styles have become popular lately, many people are not learning the proper foundation of moves. I hope for everyone to treat these Afro dance styles like they would any other dance style, and learn the history and foundations first.

Afro Houseクラスはとても良かったです。受けた人たちは、私が教えたムーブを踊りこなすと同時に、その過程で強い脚力と有酸素運動を得たことでしょう笑。Afro Houseのレッスンでは、Afroスタイルの中のAzontoというダンススタイルの動きも時々、教えます。だけれども、どの動きがどのダンススタイルのものなのかはきちんと分けて伝えるようにしています。「違い」を教えることは必要不可欠です。



My next lesson will be on Saturday. I will be teaching Freestyle Lvl.1, Lvl. 2, and Freestyle Concept class at Mams Mart Studio in Ameku. Please check it out!

次のレッスンは土曜日です。Freestyle Level Up1とLevel Up2、そして上級者向けのFreestyle Conceptを那覇市天久のMams Martレンタルスタジオで教えます。チェックしてみてくださいね。

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Monday – Friday:
07:00 – 21:00

07:00 – 16:00

Sunday Closed

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