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1. 忘れられているダンススタイル

 「HipHop Dance」という言葉で括られ知られているストリートダンスは莫大な範囲を含意します。(私はBreakingを除いたHipHopダンスの元来のスタイルは「Party Dance」と呼んでいます) 

 しかしながら、ここ日本においては1980年代から90年代の(ランニングマンがベースとして知られる)New York発祥のParty Danceスタイルと、(ドギーがベースとして知られる)流行のSwagダンススタイル–この2つがほぼHipHopダンスとして踊られます。

 ですが、日本ではほとんど見ることのない「ストリートダンス」のスタイルがカリフォルニア、NewYork、テネシーで生まれています。Turfing, Flexing, Jookin’やLitefeet, Krumpなどです。





I watched the city lights zoom by on the train ride back home after a disappointing loss at THEREAL dance battle in Osaka, Japan. 

I was deep in thought:
What can I do for my students to get them to the next level at a faster rate?  What can I do to improve their foundation without sacrificing their individualism?
Even though they are so young, how can I instill the principles of creative freedom within body movement in them so that dancing becomes more natural?

I then recalled all the young kid and OG krumpers at the event. 

What set them apart from the other dancers?  I dug deep within the pits of my mind, reviewing everything I had come across in my dance career, from training, to my studies, to battles I’ve witnessed around the world.

It was at that moment that something in my head clicked.

Instead of teaching my kids the traditional way, why don’t I apply the methods and theories I had thus far in my dance journey?

Although the approaches will be unorthodox versus the Japanese dance studio method, I believe it will give my students the edge in the future as they continue to mature.

Allow me to explain briefly without giving away all the secrets!

Through my thorough and continued research, I have formed my own methods of teaching freestyle dance to students.

1. The Forgotten Dance Styles

Street Dance, under the umbrella term of Hip Hop Dance (I’m referring to the party dance styles, not breaking, which is the 1st original hip hop dance style) is vast.

In Japan, the New York party dance styles from the 80s to the 90s (with the running man being the base) and new trendy “Swag” dance styles (with the dougie as the base made popular by Kings of Swag) are the two most practiced. 

However, there are many other street dance styles spawned out of places like California, New York, and Tennessee that are heavily overlooked in Japan.  Some of these styles include: Turfing, Flexing, Jookin’ Litefeet, Krump, etc.

*I will point out that Japan has taken up Krump very well, and have progressed extremely quickly to a world-class level, which is fantastic to see! * 

I’m not sure if it’s due to lack of substantial knowledge to teach different styles, or if it’s because dancers aren’t exposed to them that I RARELY see anyone dancing those styles in Japan.

For my students, I am teaching them multiple foundations from different dance styles, from different areas of America, so that they can create their own style and not look like anyone else.

To be continued.

Until next time,

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